Jom dinner...terlebih rajin...
Mlm msk kuew teow kung fu.
Feberet anak2 n suami..
Its 2012...uihhh x sabar nak masuk rumah...
Maybe in the end of this year...insyaAllah...after renovating...
Here we come to Taman Arked,Paya Indah Wetland..Dengkil..
Here some pic..layanzzz...not so big..but suitable for my family..alhmdulillah..
Salm sabtu seme..entry for noon today actually...but ready to published when both my son already sleep well..klu c kaco ummo mau type2 ni heee..lYan menu lunch kami rni
Salm isnin seme..
Im sure seme dah blk bekerja kn..seronok la krg cuti lelame...pasni my turn plak..hmm
Hari ke tbg haji ok..kita simpan la ape yg ade..mngupdate sekali..
Actually masukkn duit raya ank2 .
Heee raya tahun lepas..bleh dok...haaa..kelewatan ckit..x sompet eh..nk g tbg aji..
Mood senang ati..daaaa
Salam seme..test ni tulis blog paki Phone..snng nak update...hee
.thanks to ceeramoon...byk tutorial yg boleh blaja..u help me lot...